Benefits of Club Fitting

Club Fitting.

There are five primary game improvement factors that can be affected by proper fitting.

Through proper fitting, it is possible to offer changes to the golfer in:

·      Distance

·      Accuracy

·      Trajectory

·      Consistency

·     Feel


These five game-improvement elements are the key to methodically and thoroughly maximising the potential improvement for any golfer. Addressing this, there are 14 fitting elements that are directly related to achieving a possible change in each of the five game improvement factors.

The 14 key specifications of custom fitting are:

·         Club length,

·         Swing weight/ MOI,

·         Loft angle,

·         Lie angle,

·         Face angle,

·         Shaft weight,

·         Shaft flex,

·         Shaft bend point,

·         Shaft torque,

·         Grip style,

·         Grip size/weight,

·         Total weight,

·         Clubhead design

·         Set make up.  

This is achieved by analysing everything about a golfer’s previous/current set specifications along with the golfer’s size, strength, athletic ability and their swing characteristics of clubhead speed, transition force, downswing tempo, wrist cock release, swing path, hands-to-clubhead position at impact and angle of attack, as well as obtaining feedback from the golfer on shot shape and feel elements.


For a true custom-fit set of golf clubs to be able to achieve maximum game improvement for a golfer, each one of these key fitting specifications must be determined for each club in the bag. Club fittings and custom-built clubs are about performance improvement. The end result of a club fitting is to custom build you, the golfer, a set of clubs that will give you the greatest chance to improve your game to the best of your ability.